PRP Vaginal Area


loss of sensation and thinning of the vaginal mucosa can result in decreased sexual enjoyment and functional issues including dryness and stress incontinence. Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is a nonsurgical procedure that helps to rejuvenate and revitalise vaginal and clitoral function.


loss of sensation and thinning of the vaginal mucosa can result in decreased sexual enjoyment and functional issues including dryness and stress incontinence. Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is a nonsurgical procedure that helps to rejuvenate and revitalise vaginal and clitoral function.

Loss of sensation and thinning of the vaginal mucosa can result in decreased sexual enjoyment and functional issues including dryness and stress incontinence. 

“Platelet Rich Plasma” is a non- surgical procedure that help to rejuvenate and revitalize vaginal and clitoral function.”

Rejuvenation is achieved by injecting PRP (platelet rich plasma) near the clitoris and vaginal wall (after the area is numbed), this will improve tissue quality, lubrication and sensation to enhance sexual pleasure and function.