Chemical Peel


Just as the name implies, chemical peels work by removing layers of the ski cell buildup to reveal a software , smoother complexion. It improves skin texture through a process of strolled injury which promotes the growth of new skin cells.


Just as the name implies, chemical peels work by removing layers of the ski cell buildup to reveal a software , smoother complexion. It improves skin texture through a process of strolled injury which promotes the growth of new skin cells.

What is a Chemical Peel ?

Just as the name implies, chemical peels work by removing layers of skin cell buildup to reveal a softer, smoother complexion. It improves skin texture through a process of controlled injury which promotes the growth of new skin cells.

Chemical peels range in strength and are usually described according to how deep they penetrate the skin. Commonly treated skin concerns

  • Acne and acne scars
  • Superficial pigmentation
  • Dull skin
  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Photo-aging

Our range of chemical peels:

Neostrata superficial professional peels with clarifying or brightening peel boosters

Neostrata Retinol Peel

pH formula resurfacing treatments that targets : Acne, Aging and Hyperpigmentation


Best Results

3-6 sessions (may vary depending on condition)

Treatment Recovery

No downtime

Preformed by

Aesthetic skin therapist or Doctor

Risk & Complications


Treatment time

30-45 minutes